Joe Statler’s Friend & Fundraiser at Kegler’s
On behalf of the Committee to Elect Statler for House, please join us for a campaign fundraiser supporting Joe Statler for WV House of Delegates District 77.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
5:30-7:30 PM
Hosted by:
Speaker Roger Hanshaw
Delegate Moore Capito
Delegate Joe Ellington
Delegate Paul Espinosa
Delegate Gary Howell
Delegate Ben Queen
Delegate Clay Riley
Delegate Matthew Rohrbach
Delegate Amy Summers
Senator Roman Prezioso
Honorable Larry Pack
Glenn Adrian
Jimmy Brock
Frank Devono
Ryan Eddy
David Goldberg
Mike John
Tom Laurita
Ron Lytle
Mark Nesselroad
James Ridgeway
Scott Rotruck
Phil Weser
Special thanks to Bob Musick, Scott Rotruck, Wesley Nugent & Brooke Bolyard for all their help!
Even if you can't attend, you can help make a difference.
Make checks payable to:
Committee to Elect Statler for House
Mail checks to:
1 Mountain Vista Drive
Morgantown, WV 26508
Attention: Linda Chisler Nordstrom, Treasurer, Committee to Elect Statler for House
Public employees please disregard any solicitation advertisements. Donations are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. Maximum contribution for individuals, PACs and labor organizations is $2,800 per candidate, per election cycle. Corporations are prohibited from donating. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited by law. For contributions more than $250, state law requires that we collect and report address, occupation and contributor employer, in addition to name. If you don’t have an employer or you’re retired, write N/A, and if you are self-employed write “self-employed” in Employer and describe your occupation.
By contributing, you hereby affirm the following:
- I am not a foreign national who lacks permanent residence in the United States.
- This contribution is made from my own funds, and not those of another.
- I am at least eighteen years old.