Sean Sikora Supports Joe Statler for House of Delegates

Your support is appreciated, Commissioner Sikora. Thank you.
I am honored to support Joe Statler for the House of Delegates. Joe is a humble and tireless public servant that I have the privilege of calling one of my closest friends. Joe’s hard work and accomplishments for the citizens of Monongalia County is unmatched. Please don’t just take it from me. JB McCuskey, West Virginia State Auditor, served with Joe in the House of Delegates and had this to say about his time working with Joe:
“Joe Statler is hands down the hardest working delegate in the entire WV House of Delegates and the citizens of Monongalia county are very lucky to have him representing them.”
Those of us close to Joe know that he doesn’t like notoriety. Joe is a selfless public servant who quietly provides his time, talent, and treasures to local and state causes. Joe embodies the saying that “there is no limit to what can be accomplished if it doesn’t matter who gets credit.” I have seen first-hand that Joe does not need to be asked to help others; he gives of himself when and where he sees a need.
I urge everyone, no matter your party or belief, to please vote on Tuesday, and please consider voting for Joe Statler so that he can go back to Charleston and work for Monongalia County.