Joe Statler’s Profile in the Candidate Guide
Name: Joe Statler
Office sought: House of Delegates 51st District
Political party: Republican
Age: 67
Residence: Core
Family: Married 42 years to wife Louie, 3 daughters, Michelle, CPA, Kristen, Dr., Marissa, JD, 4 Grandchildren
Education: Graduated from Clay-Battelle High School
Professional experience: Retired from the mining industry and a life long farmer
Political and civic experience: Served 10 years on the Monongolia County Board of Education, 4 years as Vice President, Served 4 years in the WV House of Delegates on House Education (Vice Chair), Fire and EMS (Chair), Roads and Transportation, Energy, Agriculture & Natural Resources, Industry and Labor, Political Subdivisions, and also served on the Education Oversite Joint Committee.
I serve on many community boards: Clark Family Foundation, Mylan Park, Operation Welcome Home, PACE, Olive United Methodist Church Trustees, MPO (Chair), Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee
Why did you decide to seek office? I believe we all should give back to the community and this is one way to serve and make changes in policy that will enrich the lives of every citizen in the State of West Virginia. I also believe in working with others to find solutions to problems we face as a state.
What is the most important issue you believe your office will face in the next year, and how will you address it? There are many issues but one very important one is how COVID intensified the need for better broadband in our state for our students to be able to do remote education and parents to be able to work from home. We need better infrastructure so students and parents do not have to travel outside their home to have internet access. We must identify resources to correct this problem facing all of West Virginia.