Monongalia County Absentee Voter Updates

You can still vote in person
Exchange your absentee ballot at your polling place.
You can take your absentee ballot to your official Election Day polling place on November 3, and exchange it for a ballot to vote in person. It’s critical you bring your absentee ballot: you will have to cast a provisional ballot UNLESS you bring in your unused absentee ballot.
Unless a voter is a military or overseas voter, the ballot must be mailed and postmarked by Election Day and received by the start of Canvass.
For hand-delivery, absentee ballots must be delivered to the County Clerk’s office by the day before Election Day. Although voters do not have to personally return his or her absentee ballot, no one person may deliver more than two voters’ absentee ballots, according to the WV Secretary of State’s office.